Ready to step into your power and become the best version of yourself?

  • If you suffer from any of these symptoms below is very likely that you suffer from a hormone imbalance, more precisely - oestrogen dominance.

    • bloating,

    • heavy/painful periods,

    • PMS,

    • headaches,

    • decreased sex drive,

    • mood swings,

    • fatigue,

    • anxiety & depression,

    • breast tenderness,

    • endometriosis,

    • fibroids,

    • hormonal weight gain.

    You wake up tired, you have no energy to work out, and you desperately want to lose those extra pounds. No matter how little you eat, you feel you're always bloated; on top of that, your anxiety is through the roof, and you feel you never have time for yourself. You just want to have some carbs and drink a glass of wine in the evening. I GET IT! I have been there. It's just so hard to break these habits and find motivation when everything you try works for a while, but you are always back to square 1 after a while.

    Maybe, like me, you tried to ask your doctor for help, but all the lab tests were fine… but deep down, you know something is off.

    Small variations in your hormone levels can have a significant impact on how you feel. And your doctor may easily ignore or disregard these changes (which happens frequently).

    I completely understand that overwhelming feeling and confusion when it comes to taking charge of your health, reclaiming your energy, and that burning desire to feel good and sexy in your body. I once was burnt out, experiencing chronic pain, and let me tell you, I did not feel good in my own skin at all. I tried so hard to get my pre-mummy body back (sigh). I have tried all the diets and the workouts, and I was running my body into the ground to the point I couldn't get up anymore. I had no energy; I felt unmotivated and a failure. Nothing was "wrong with me." but no doctors ever check our hormones after we have a baby, and no one tells you the food you eat, the water you drink, and the number two's you don't have (sorry) can be the cause of our hormone imbalance.

    Oestrogen dominance is so common among women my age - mid-late 30s - and older.


Most Detoxes do not take into consideration hormonal changes and female biology.


Here’s how it works:

First, we eliminate the inflammatory foods and toxins ⚠️⛔️☠️(from foods, environment, beauty/toiletries/ cleaning products, and relationships)

Then we learn how 🤔, when ⏰  and what to eat. 

And the final step we learn how to nourish ourselves and start eating for our menstrual cycle and hormonal health ✨


The 10 Day Hormone Detox is a holistic nutrition and lifestyle programme designed by Juliana Ehr, Registered Nutritionist Therapist and Naturopath, to support safe and effective detoxification. Created with female biology in mind, considering hormone fluctuation, excess, and imbalances.


Here’s what you get if you decide to join:

  • My 10 Days Hormone Detox respects female biology and promotes hormone balancing with no crazy restrictions

  • Give your body the chance to detox safely and learn how to eat to improve your metabolism.

  • Menu Plan, Recipes, and shopping list

  • Supplement Suggestions

  • Three zoom calls (01/09; 06/09; 10/09) to ask questions and more about healthy diet and lifestyle (topics like - balancing your blood sugar, safe and clean beauty and cleaning products, exercise routine, managing stress, hormone balancing, gut health, and more)

  • Telegram group for daily support, daily meditation, and journal prompt suggestions.


  • Menu plan for your follicular and luteal phase to start syncing your diet with your menstrual  cycle after the detox

Why a Hormone Detox?

Your liver and digestive system start the hormone detox process, which is essential for supporting oestrogen metabolism, which impacts oestrogen dominance and other hormonal imbalances. 

You may be feeling the urge to cleanse since your liver may not be functioning at its best due to an excess of sweets, caffeine, alcohol, pesticides, and other toxins. A detox is not a fast, juice cleanse, or fad diet because those won't help you reach your goals. You need the right nutrients, minerals, and resources if you want to reduce weight, have beautiful skin, feel energised, rejuvenated, and boosted in body and spirit.

This is the perfect program for you if:

1- You feel like you’ve let yourself go a bit over the holidays, and you want to RESET and restart your healthy routine in the most efficient way possible.

2- You want to educate yourself about your health and hormones and to have strategies that will support you for life.

3- You want to feel AMAZING in 10 quick days and you’re committed to your best body.

This program is not for you if:

1- You’re looking for a crash weight loss detox.

2- You can’t commit to 10 days of healthy living.

Ready to RESET?